martes, 11 de septiembre de 2007

Hablando de cosas y ocurrencias, me topé con este librito conspiranoico “Mind Control in the United States” (del 85) y supe que debía leerlo. Uno pensaba poner directamente la sección dedicada a la música, pero habrá que señalar antes que mueve aquella sección.

Principles of Mental Programming

The most effective way to conquer a man is to capture his mind. Control a man's mind and you control his body. Most people don't pay conscious attention to the things that affect them subconsciously. They don't usually know what to look for. However, when pointed to, these things can be recognized and understood.

The principles of mind control, hypnotic suggestion and, mental programming are ancient (the term used doesn't matter, the principles remain the same). The goal is to suspend the thought processes of the conscious mind to cause a state of mind that is just like "day dreaming." Stop
conscious thought and the mind is in its most suggestible state and is more receptive to programming than at any other time. Therefore, the first principle of mind control is distraction. Distraction focuses the attention of the conscious mind on one or more of the five senses (sight, sound, touch, smell and taste) in order to program the subconscious mind.

All men do not think the same thoughts, but all men think with the same mechanism-the brain. One part of the brain works things out one step at a time just like a computer. This is the language-using left side of the brain which is also identified as the conscious mind. The tools of the conscious mind are words (spoken, written and thought) and pictures and sounds. The conscious mind discriminates, evaluates, accepts or rejects. Sometimes the more you think about a problem, the further you get from finding a solution to it. When this happens, you make decisions based on how you feel. "I didn't arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind," said Albert Einstein. The powers of intuition are the powers of the subconscious mind. The right side of the brain is the center of intuition, creativity, emotion.

"Use the force, Luke. The force is an energy field created by all living things. Trust your feelings, not the computer." The force in Star Wars is Hollywood's version of an ancient principle. Think of your subconscious mind as your link with "the force." Also think of your subconscious mind as your own personal energy source. Now imagine your conscious thoughts directing this energy source and drawing power from "the force." This is the relationship of the conscious mind to the subconscious. What the conscious mind believes, the subconscious acts on. It works like programming a computer. You feed information into a computer, and the computer acts on it. However, if the information you feed into the computer is wrong, it still acts on it! If you give yourself incorrect information or if others give you incorrect information, the memory banks of your subconscious mind do not correct the error but act on it!

When you stop conscious thinking and make your mind go blank, then your mind is in its most suggestible state. It is in this state of mind where you are the most receptive to mental programming. This state of mind is just like "day dreaming." Now remember the first principle behind mental programming. That principle is distraction. Distraction focuses the attention of the conscious mind on one or more of the five senses in order to program the subconscious mind. The same principle applies to all illusion, magic and propaganda.

The second principle of mental programming is repetition. Distraction and repetition represent the learning process. Picture yourself studying in school. You are reading a book. Your eyes are focused on the page of the book. The words on the page are the conscious distraction for your eyes. The information you are reading is being programmed directly to your subconscious mind. You are not consciously analyzing the material you are reading until you look away from the page and think about it. It is at this point you have the opportunity to analyze the information you have just read and accept it as true or reject it as false. If you accept the information as
true, it is programmed that way to your subconscious mind. If you reject the information as false, that is programmed to your subconscious mind. However, if you don't know if the information is true or not, a curious thing happens. Your trust in the source of the information determines whether or not you accept the information. If you do not believe that a book could contain information that was false (unintentionally or intentionally), then you would accept its information as true even if you weren't sure or didn't understand it. This is especially true in school where there is pressure to accept what is presented as true because that is what is expected and that determines your grade and your future. Repetition of the information imbeds it in your subconscious mind so that your acceptance of its truth (accuracy) becomes a conditioned response. You accept this information as true without thinking whenever it is presented to you again.

Y ahora que tienen en sus manos esta valiosa información y la revelación aún brilla en sus ojos, vayamos a por la música, esa cabrona:

The Power of Music

Think back to a time when you have been saddened by a song. It may have brought a tear. You might have felt it in your stomach as a change in muscle tension. The power of music has been recognized throughout history. Plato and Aristotle believed that people could be controlled by music. It affects your body, your mind and your emotions. Sound causes changes in your body chemistry, blood pressure, breaming and digestion. Even sound that you cannot hear affects you. Low frequency "infrasonic" sounds affect your internal organs and can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Fast music will speed up the nervous system while slow music will slow it down. Your entire body is sensitive to sound. Sounds vibrate in different parts of the body. Low tones will vibrate in the lower parts of your body, and high tones will vibrate in the higher portions and on into the head.

Sixties rock superstar Jimi Hendrix said: "You can hypnotize people with music, and when you get them at their weakest point you can preach into their subconscious whatever you want to say." Much of today's popular rock music is built around a heavy bass pattern louder than the melody. These loud, low frequency vibrations and the driving beat of most rock music affect the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland produces hormones mat control the sexual responses of males and females. These low frequency vibrations vibrate in the lower parts of your body so that the music "feels" good.

It is important to note that the lyrics of many rock songs are not clearly distinguishable consciously. Now remember your subconscious mind hears all. Repetition of the message is mental programming. Research indicates that repeated hearings, whether sought out or not, yield acceptance and even liking. When you do not hear the message clearly, you cannot make the conscious choice to accept or reject it. When you cannot make that choice or when that choice is taken away from you, the message is programmed directly to your subconscious mind without your knowing it, thus circumventing analysis and choice in accepting the content of the message. In time the effects of this kind of programming will appear. These effects can be physical, psychological and emotional. Most people don't pay conscious attention to the things that affect them subconsciously because they don't know what to look for. However, when pointed to, these things are recognized and understood.

It has been well-established by research that the subconscious mind is capable of reading mirror images, even upside-down mirror images. This also applies to words spoken or sung backwards. This phenomenon is called backward masking. The Beatles started using backward masking on their White Album with the song "Revolution Number Nine." The song repeatedly says, "number nine, number nine." Played backwards it becomes "turn me on, dead man." Rumors swept the world, "Paul is Dead!" Material on Paul's death was embedded in the Magical Mystery Tour album in the last few grooves of the song "Strawberry Fields." A low volume voice says, "I buried Paul."

Two thousand years ago, Plato demanded strict censorship over popular music in his Utopian Republic. In Nazi Germany, the government used music to create a state of mind in the German people. In the Soviet Union, a state commission determines the kind of music to be heard. If music is such a powerful tool for control in the Soviet Union, it can be used in the same way in the United States and the rest of the world. Ayotollah Khomeini, leader of Iran, placed tight controls on music broadcasting and banned certain types of music as a threat to his rule. In Orwell's 1984, music is tightly controlled because of its power to communicate and influence human behavior.

Uno se parte la caja de risa, pero le da por pensar, que se alguien se topa con este blog, puede creer que soy un cínico, un seguidor de la doctrina dominante, que soy incapaz de ver más allá de los límites de mi corral, o que me da miedo descubrir “la verdad”. Obviamente, a lo largo del corto libro (unas 85 páginas), pasamos del programa dominante al uso de las drogas, las experiencias extrasensoriales, la parapsicología, el poder de la mente, las técnicas de relajación oriental y cosas tan inestimables como que los hombres somos los descendientes de seres divinos que viajando por el espacio llegaron a este planeta y se aparearon con los primates (una teoría muchos más cierta que el diseño inteligente evangélico), o iluminadas relecturas sobre la Biblia. Todo siguiendo el mismo estilo de hacerse el interesante, la misma manera de parecer irrefutable y todo siguiendo esa lógica tan norteamericana de “no puedes tener tu pastel y comértelo al mismo tiempo”. El problema está en el pastel, como siempre y suele ser un lugar idóneo para practicar el pensamiento circular. Subestimar un problema, ignorar todos los elementos que participan en él, buscando un simplismo forzado que encaje y sea asimilable dentro de tu discurso sigue siendo una manera de no afrontar los problemas y esquivar el debate. A uno le da que pensar que a mitad de la década de los 80 en EE.UU. con la música que se hacía, el hombre tenga que poner como ejemplos a los Beatles o a Hendrix, pero va un ejemplo, para no perder más tiempo al respecto.
Al hablar sobre música, esta consta de dos elementos: la música que es una masa de sonidos indiscernibles que actúan directamente sobre el cuerpo humano sin que este pueda hacer nada y las letras que son el mensaje que se nos quiere introducir en el subconsciente. Por poner un ejemplo, yo veo muchos videoclips de cantantes japonesas. Yo no entiendo el japonés, pero según esta teoría, el único mensaje que debería encontrar en ello está en las palabras. Debo suponer que mi subconsciente no entiende japonés, porque según el ejemplo del autor, solo tiene lo que uno le introduce como una computadora. Es decir que uno se encontraría azotado por una serie de sensaciones sin sentido más o menos agradables. Debo suponer que si me emociono escuchando esta música ha de estar actuando sobre el lado derecho de mi cerebro, que es el que controla las emociones y donde está el subconsciente. Sin embargo no hay información inteligible que esté llegando allá. Y yo estoy emocionado. Y lo hago porque la codificación que se usa para las emociones usando recursos musicales, es la misma en el pop japonés que en el occidental: los tonos en los que se cantan las canciones, los punteos de guitarras, las inflexiones vocales, la velocidad y complejidad de los ritmos. Todo eso es información y no va a ningún subconsciente. Reaccionamos ante ella de forma consciente, nos reconocemos o no en eso códigos (consideramos que la música es buena o mala, real o imitación) y como reacción nos emocionamos, a veces al instante, a veces con el tiempo. Y uno ni quiere hablar del lenguaje corporal, la iluminación, las coreografías, los espacios, etc. El caso es que después al hablar sobre televisión, radio y cine, la manipulación se hace igualmente mediante distracciones para colocar mensajes ocultos o mediante hipnotizaciones. Y también se nos habla de cómo los medios pueden rodar metraje en estudio dando noticias falsas o como con un uso de los ángulos de cámara, la puesta en escena o el montaje, se nos puede engañar. Así que de repente el medio ya no es neutro. Ahora es un lenguaje y es interpretable, y por tanto según la teoría de este señor, tiene capacidad para actuar sobre el inconsciente, aunque el diga que no.

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